Stars Recipes

​Filipino Favorite Holiday Recipes



  • One cup brown sugar
  • Four tablespoons soy sauce
  • One kilogram pork loin, slices
  • Two cups pineapple juice
  • Three tablespoons canola Oil
  • One can pineapple slices
  • salt and pepper
  • garnish basil, thyme, or parsley (your choice of fresh herbs

  1. In a bowl, marinate pork slices in pineapple, sugar and soy sauce. Cover with cling wrap and let it cool inside the fridge overnight. Remember that a hamonado recipe requires longer marination time.
  2. The next day, sepaeate pork slices from marinade. Reserve the marinade sauce and set aside.
  3. In a pan, heat an oil and fry the pork slices until it turns golden brown.
  4. Add in the reserved marinade sauce, and some pineapple slices (reserve few slices for garnish). Cook and let it simmer until pork becomes tender. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve in thin slices. Enjoy!


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